Customised Website

The creation or redesign of a website such as begins with the evaluation of business objectives.

The community platform is similar to the forum. It is the members who manage and exchange on the subjects.

Search engine optimization is one of the most profitable channels for attracting visitors to a web portal.

Personal assistants and voice assistants are on the rise, given the many systems already available: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri… Artificial intelligence allows engineers to design robots capable of performing repetitive tasks. The foundations that revolutionised AI appeared in the 1980s and 1990s.

The principle is to allow the computer to benefit from the abilities reserved for the human intellect. That is to say: dialogue, learn by itself, create and predict. The objective of deep learning is to learn difficult tasks that are complicated to program.

A user experience is a pleasure to use. It is manifested by an attractive visual that arouses interest and provides a pleasant feeling when visiting a site.

Improving the user experience of a web portal requires several components. The components of UX include: graphic design, usability, functionality, etc. For an overview of a perfect user experience, visit Instants Sécurité.

The challenge of inbound marketing is to formalise a strategy in an action plan so that you can refer to it and develop your strategy. The formalisation of a marketing action plan allows you to plan actions, add precision to your inbound marketing strategy, increase sales and convert more prospects.

The algorithmically generated visibility audit examines the semantics of an Internet portal on search engines.

The objective of editorial and technical optimisation is to boost the lexical richness of a site in order to increase incoming traffic.